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Chicago Real Estate

Wholesale Real Estate – How to Find A Wholesale Deal!

Learning how to spot a wholesale property is crucial for your success in wholesaling real estate. Anyone can buy a course and start looking at property. However, if you want to really building a successful system buying wholesale real estate, then you must know what to look for. Many of the most successful real estate investors can do this almost instantly. There are a few key giveaways that will help you find a deal.

Tips to Find Wholesale Properties in Chicago

If you’re looking to find wholesale properties in Chicago, well take out a pen and pad and get ready for the golden nuggets. It’s obvious by now that wholesaling properties in Chicago is what my business is currently doing. Since we have learned the best ways to market deals to reach a wide audience, it’s a sure thing that by giving you these tips, you will be able to find more than just a few properties that are ready for wholesale.

Tips On Taking Leads From Motivated Sellers For Your Wholesale Real Estate Business

Once you have put up your advertising and marketing to attract motivated sellers for your wholesale business, you must know how to take a call and screen potential sellers. You should practice taking in leads at least 2-3 times a day until this becomes natural for you. You will want to make an interview sheet with a check list and space for the answers.

Tips on Wholesale and Real Estate Property in Chicago Neighborhooods

Tips on Investing in Chicago Real Estate
Are you looking for wholesale deals in Chicago? With so many neighbhorhoods and areas to choose from, I know it can get quite tricky. For any investor looking to purchase real estate in Chicago, the first thing they should know is Chicagos vast layout. There is a little bit of something for everyone here in Chicago. I have made general summaries for each side the city has. Each side has its own neighbhorhoods. The south side for example consists of areas like Hyde Park, Chattam, Burnside, South Chicago, Chicago heights, etc.. Hopefully these short descriptions will give you an idea for what to look for and where to start. For investors looking to stay in the north side of chicago, I have broken it down for you.

5 Tips for Using Craigslist to Wholesale Real Estate

If you are new or just getting started in the wholesale real estate business, you probably want to get down to nitty gritty.I respect that so lets get started.

If you don’t already know, Craigslist is one of the most visited websites online today. It gets billions of hits and it is one of the top searched sites for every major city in the US. Not only is this site free, it’s great to boost web traffic and get in front of a targeted audience. As a wholesaler, craigslist should be on top of your must do list everyday. Although it may seem as easy as placing an ad on the site and calling it a day, its not as easy. As any marketing campaign you implement, there should be a schedule and an order of doing things. Here are my tips that will help you when posting craigslist ads for your real estate wholesale deals.

5 Tips on How to Find Cash Buyers Using the Internet

If you are just now getting into the profitable world of wholesaling, the internet is a tool you should become an expert in. The majority of buyers and investors are going online to find deals. There are so many websites, listing pages, and classified ad sites that its hard to tell which is best. It is always changing and will never be the same, but for now, I have compiled a list of sites and online tricks a wholesaler should be doing in order to find cash buyers for their real estate deals.

5 Tips of Advice When Working With Other Real Estate Wholesalers

As a wholesaler you should always call on the “we buy houses” signs scattered throughout your town. Despite the advise of gurus, I recommend you always be honest and say that you are a wholesaler working with cash buyers to do deals. I bring this up because when you start putting up signs, you will be getting called by others who claim to be cash buyers when they are just wholesalers. Knowing other wholesalers will help you leverage their time and efforts to get deals sold quicker. Like all the aspects of real estate investing, you should know what to look out for when working with wholesalers to get deals done. My advice consists of knowing your numbers, controlling the deal, working with pros, and setting a professional standard.