5 Tips On Using Bandit Signs To Find Motivated Sellers

Here are 5 tips that will help you get deals other investors do not know about. You can go on the MLS all you want, but the real deals are the unlisted, for sale by owner deals. Using these tips, you can get started right away and start getting calls!


Map Your Area – Assuming you have already found a investor who is looking for properties in a area in Chicago, you must know what is going on in that area. First start by going to Redfin.com, typing the zip code, and take not of the area. You want to use Google street view to look around at the intersections and so on. Take about 45 minutes to go up and down major streets and write down the best spots.

Get A Google Number – Go to Google voice and get a local number. Once you get this number, activate it, and download the google voice app on your phone. This number is untraceable and you can use it as a business line too. Never put your personal cell number on the signs.

Buy Yellow – You should buy yellow bandit signs and use black lettering. You can either have the signs printed OR you can buy them blank and use a black marker. If you are going to use a black marker on a yellow sign, purchase the 18×24 inch signs. Make short short statements such as, “We Buy Houses”. Do not put too much more on that, other than your number.

Post On Private Property – When you are looking at an area and walking it using Google maps, make sure you are looking for private land. By private, we mean, fences, gas station corners, newspaper stands. The city of Chicago, for example, collects your signs and starts building a case against you. You want to stay OFF Chicago property as much as possible.

Use H Wires – If you aer going to be so daring and put your signs up on the highway ramps, make sure you use H wires, and not zip ties, to fasten your signs. By using H wires, you can put your signs out Thursday, and pick them up Sunday, with little to no disturbance. The great thing is that H wires can be reused as much as you want.

Use Zip Ties – Get a drill and make 2 holes in the middle of the signs. You should get your zip ties from Home Depot, 20 ties for 10 dollars. Use the ties to strap the signs on the privately owned fences. You can keep your signs by just cutting the zip ties, instead of stapling them onto wooden poles.

10 thoughts on “5 Tips On Using Bandit Signs To Find Motivated Sellers”

  1. Great tips! Unfortunately, we’ve been having a problem with ours…if you get caught putting them up here you can get in serious trouble. It really puts a damper on advertising!!

  2. Jennifer,

    That is crazy! Well, if you use a google number and PAY someone to put them up, then I beleive you can start getting away with a few signs up here and there.

    Have you tried just putting them in the ground and picking them up after a few days? Also, is it the city giving you beef? I suggest putting it on private property, that will help you out some.

    Finally, where are you?

  3. @Elia

    Thanks for the support! We will keep working hard for others. Currently we are going to start taking on “students”, we would appreciate any help and support in that region.

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