‘Blog’ Category

Investing In Englewood? Watch Video

Even with the stigma of being one of Chicago’s most crime ridden neighborhoods, Englewood has proven to be a neighborhood many investors are looking at helping to turn around.

5 Tips on How To Get Started in Real Estate Ivesting

While the news likes to focus on the negatives, we see the opportunity. There is so much opportunity that USA Today had to write a report on it. Its no surprise though, if you were going to seinars and events back in 2008, 2009, you heard everyone saying this would happen, and guess what, IT IS!

Chicago Real Estate Investing – Foreclosures on the Rise

There have been reports that the month of May was worse than April for Chicago Real Estate. The number of foreclosure fillings went up, and there is an estimated 9 month foreclosure inventory. What do investors think of this news? Good? Bad? We let you know our thoughts in this video blog.

Good Marketing or Bad Marketing?

So yesterday morning while looking for property, we see this sign on the side of the road. Is this a bit too brash? Would you call it? I think if you are a real estate investor and you are looking to get some calls this….. NOT the way to do it! We posted this on facebook and got a very interesting response. check it out and let us know what you think!

Chicago Real Estate investing – Six Unit Condo Building in South Shore

Six Unit Condo Building in South Shore needs a full gut rehab! Fortunately, each unit is 3 bed 2 baths and already individually pinned. The property has good bones and can be a pet project for investors. Cash buyers only, serious inquiries only. What other wholesale you know goes IN and does all this work for YOU?! nobody!

Wholesaling Real Estate: 5 Lessons From My first Wholesale Deal!

I wanted to write a blog and talk about some of the things I learned when I did my first real estate deal. As you know, I was able to find another investor, sell myself, and get a few properties to market for him. From beginning to end, it took us over more than a month to take a foreclosure and wholesale it for 10K. Reflecting on that very special moment, here are my 5 lessons learned that would be helpful for anyone getting started.

Chicago real estate Investing – Wholesaling Tools

I get asked, “what do you need when you are looking at investment properties to wholesale?” And the answer is simple, a lot of tools! Having a sign is not enough, you will need signs, drills, flashlights and more. Check out the video we made when going out to properties in Chicago on what tools we take with us regularly.

21 Common Mistakes Made by Chicago Real Estate Wholesalers

Mistakes Made by Chicago Real Estate Wholesalers. Here are 21 well thought out tips and common mistakes that many wholesalers should take into account. Real Estate investing and wholesaling in Chicago can be very profitable, but many fail to understand how to spot a deal, know numbers, estimate repairs and so on. Here is our list.

Learn To Wholesale E-Course!
