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Chicago Investing Articles

Five Things Investors Should Consider For Their Rentals

Five Things Investors Should Consider For Their Rentals

Location to Public Transportation

Many people who live in Chicago are not immune the financial mess going on throughout the country. As such, people are looking to save and gas is one of the first places tenants look at. Chicago residents of Logan Square, Lincoln Park, and Wicker Park use the EL to get to work and back, so having this close must always be promoted. Many tenants have a 4 block threshold for walking when it comes to the L, if that!

Chicago Real Estate Owners: How to Effectively Use Craigslist for Tenants

If you are a landlord, one of your biggest issues can be high turnover and vacancies. Many investors are great at buying buildings, fixing them up and putting up “for rent” signs but they are not great at marketing the units. What good does it do to have a beautiful building but nobody in them? It’s pointless! For a while now I have been helping investors and property management companies with their marketing in order to find tenants faster, and ensure that they are low risk.