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Chicago Investing Articles

Duh! Winning! 5 Tips All Wholesalers Need to Know!

We have had some rough experiences with many wholesalers in the last few months. Too many are missing the mark when it comes to pricing and actual KNOWLEDGE of our city. We receive emails everyday, or almost, about new deals throughout the city. Many of the properties we see are NOT wholesale deals!! The frustration from both our team and our cash buyers have led us to make this quick blog about what wholesalers need to know regarding this business, in this market.

7 Tips To Help Real Estate Investors Use The Web Effectively.

Nowadays it seems as though there is too much information available for anyone in any particular field, at any given moment. Right now you can Google the words “real estate investing”, or “Chicago real estate investing”, and you will turn up thousands if not millions of pages with content. How can a investor keep up with so much information? Learning to navigate the waters and knowing what you want takes time, but can benefit your deals in the future. I have come across a few tools that may help filter the info overload.

5 Must Know Tips When Investing In Chicago Real Estate! (w/video)

We have worked with Chicago’s top real estate investors, realtors, and wholesalers in the last few years. We have seen people come and go as you could expect in such a unstable market. Fortunately, we have seen what has made other successful and other investors fail. Whether you are a wholesaler or investor looking to get into the Chicago market, there are rules that will help you get started in the right direction which we will share exclusively with you. Below we have complied five tips that can help you tame the beast that is Chicago real estate investing!

We are dipping into depression territory, START INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE!

The price drop on properties along with the foreclosure inventory are making this the perfect storm for real estate investors new and old. If the rumors are true and there are another few hundred thousand homes YET to be released as REO’s by the banks, then there is still time to get in the game while its near rock bottom! It is going to take investors for this thing to move forward and those who do will earn great wealth.